Hire an Orlando Immigration lawyer If Immigrating to the US


Maud Poudat - US Immigration Lawyer

By Maud Poudat | Board Certified US Immigration Attorney
Posted: November 1, 2015

The American immigration law is regulated on the Federal level, therefore a Board certified Orlando immigration Lawyer will be competent to assist you wherever you may be located, even if Orlando is not the place you plan to settle in.

Immigration law is Federal

The passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) in 1952 officially consecrated the U.S. immigration law as regulated on a federal level, which means that the states cannot establish different rules than the ones voted by the Congress or ruled by the Supreme Court.

The enforcement of Immigration law on the other hand is conducted by the White House, but uses State means, like Police forces. But the enforcement will have to comply with the Federal laws and constitution.

Therefore, an attorney specialized in immigration law can have a practice in any State, so that he or she will be competent to handle cases all over the United States.

For example, if you are considering moving to California, or are already living there, and you hire an Orlando Immigration Lawyer, this lawyer is qualified to assist you.

Whether your Attorney is located in the same city as you or not, he or she will fill out the forms, follow the procedure, provide you with advice and preparation for your appointments with the United States Immigration and Citizenship Services (USCIS), and even come with you at the major interviews.

In addition, if you are located abroad and plan on immigrating to the United States via a family relationship, creation of a company via an E2 visa -or employment, your immigration lawyer can be located anywhere in the world. In this last example, you would be scheduled for an interview at the U.S. Consulate in your country of nationality or last residence and thus finding a lawyer in your future city of residence will not matter in the end.

Nonetheless, as much as hiring an Immigration attorney in Orlando for your immigration needs anywhere in the US is a definite possibility, we highly encourage our clients to make sure that this attorney is Board Certified in immigration law.

Make sure you hire a Board Certified Orlando Immigration Lawyer

The Board certification, which is administered by the state bar, is important because board certified lawyers undergo a very stringent process to obtain this certification which guarantees the highest level of professionalism.

The certification is not available in many states but in those that provide this benefit, it guarantees the customer that the attorney they hire:

  1. has gone through extensive background checks (criminal, professional, financial, etc.);
  2. has the required number of years of experience in the practice of immigration and nationality law;
  3. is kept a close track on the attorneys' qualifications and professional practice;
  4. and finally, has gone through a very difficult examination process to obtain this certification.

In addition to checking on their passing the Bar exam, the chapters regularly carry out verifications of their practice and background checks, etc. (such as every five years in the State of Florida).

Thus, choosing an Orlando Immigration lawyer who is Florida Board certified guarantees high professional standards.

At Vazquez & Poudat our immigration attorneys are Board Certified and offer you the highest quality assistance, which is reflected in our work and our communication with you: whether you are already in the U.S., in the city of Orlando or not, we will make sure that you get the most personalized legal assistance!

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